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Glossary: Your Social Media Timeline is Talking About These 5 Trending AI Terms

Simplifying current AI buzzwords to gain a clearer perspective on their global influence.

The rise of AI is creating a new era of technological innovation. The recent AI adoption has also popularized words like “generative AI” or “synthetic data.” If you aren’t working with data daily, it might be a little difficult to fully grasp the meaning of some of these words. From advanced chatbots to driverless cars, AI is transforming a wide range of industries, and marketers have a unique opportunity to harness its power to drive growth. Comprehending the ins and outs of AI and its latest jargon can help make sense of this amazing technology.

By now, you must have come across ChatGPT and the influence it's having across various industries. But have you ever wondered what ChatGPT is and how it operates?

Well, ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer and was developed by an AI research company, Open AI. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that effortlessly creates human-like conversational dialogue using natural language processing. This language model not only answers your questions but also easily crafts various content such as articles, social media posts, essays, code, and emails.

As ChatGPT emerges triumphantly, a rise of trending terms has come into existence as well. These buzzwords include dataset, prompt, AI hallucination, AI assistant, and Large Language Model. Let’s simplify these current AI buzzwords to gain a clearer perspective on their global influence, especially in big industries, like automotive.



To train an AI model effectively, we need to have a collection of different types of data stored in a digital format, which we call a dataset. This dataset is the cornerstone as it serves as the main ingredient for creating a successful AI model. Datasets can be made up of a variety of data types, including images, texts, audio, videos, and numerical data points, just to name a few. With this rich collection of data, AI can solve various tasks such as image or video classification and pattern recognition.


You may know what a prompt is, but in the world of AI, it’s a type of message input that can take many forms –whether it's a question, a snippet of code, or simply a piece of information –that serves to let your AI assistant know what kind of response you’re hoping to receive.

AI hallucination

An AI hallucination is a conceptualization that describes the unexpected, often surreal outputs generated by artificial intelligence algorithms, reminiscent of human hallucinations. This term implies a departure from the norm, where AI systems produce imaginative or unconventional outcomes that may not strictly adhere to the input data or intended objectives - diverging from typical or anticipated results and introducing a degree of unpredictability and creativity into AI-generated content.

AI assistant

Have you ever engaged with an AI assistant? An AI assistant also known as a virtual assistant, is a software program or application that utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing capabilities to perform tasks, provide information, or offer interactive experiences for users. These assistants are designed to understand and respond to user input, typically in the form of voice commands or text queries and can assist with a wide range of functions.

Key features of AI assistants include the ability to:

1. Natural Language Understanding: AI assistants can comprehend and interpret human language, allowing users to interact with them conversationally.

2.  Task Automation: They can automate various tasks such as setting reminders, sending messages, making appointments, or providing information by accessing relevant databases or online resources.

3. Context Awareness: Some advanced AI assistants can maintain context during a conversation, understand references, and maintain continuity in user interactions.

4. Personalization: AI assistants often can learn and adapt to individual user preferences over time, providing a more personalized experience.

Large language model

A large language model is a type of artificial intelligence model designed to understand and generate human-like text based on vast amounts of training data. These models are typically based on deep learning architectures, such as transformers, and are trained on extensive datasets to learn patterns, relationships, and nuances of language.

The term “large” in “large language model” often denotes the size of the model in terms of the number of parameters it has. Larger models have more parameters, enabling them to capture more intricate details and nuances in the data they are trained on. Large language models can be used for various natural language processing tasks, including text completion, translation, summarization, question-answering, and more. They have shown remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating coherent text and performing language-related tasks across different domains.

The emergence of AI has introduced a plethora of new terms that have become the buzzwords of the tech industry. These words listed above are only a few of the words that AI has introduced to us so far. When it comes to conversational AI, ICOM AI presents an exciting gateway to explore new and endless possibilities and advancements. To gain a better understanding of AI’s functionalities, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with prevalent AI jargon. Want to talk to our AI experts about how this essential tool can increase customer contact and return for your company? Click here to book your consultation with our specialized team today.


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Cui Jasmine and Abbruzzese Jason/ “An AI glossary: the words and terms to know about the booming industry”/News/May 16,2023/

Devon, Cheyenne/ “AI is the latest buzzword in tech-but before investing, know these 4 terms”/make it/ May 26, 2023/

Hetler, Amanda/ “ChatGPT”/

Kinza, Yasar/” Virtual Assistant”/

Kniahynyckyj, Roman/ “Artificial Intelligence: Termsmarketers need to know”/News/

Lutkevich, Ben/ “AI hallucination”/Tech

McCarthy, Chris/ “What are AI virtual assistants and how can businesses use them?”/Dialpad/

Pasick, Adam/ “Artificial Intelligence Glossary: Neural Networks and Other Terms Explained”/The New York Times//March 27,2023/

“What is Artificial Intelligence? Learn these 14trending ChatGPT Terms”/ 17, 2023/

About the author

Cristina is a native of Timisoara, Romania, located in southeastern Europe. She studied Letters and Philosophy at the West University of Timisoara. She describes herself as a creative person who always loved art as she believes it´s one of the highest forms of human expression. One of her biggest dreams is to develop her skills in writing and follow her grandfather´s steps as he was both an architect and writer.

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About the author

Cristina is a native of Timisoara, Romania, located in southeastern Europe. She studied Letters and Philosophy at the West University of Timisoara. She describes herself as a creative person who always loved art as she believes it´s one of the highest forms of human expression. One of her biggest dreams is to develop her skills in writing and follow her grandfather´s steps as he was both an architect and writer.

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