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How to Launch SMS Campaigns: The Ultimate Guide for Dealers

Conversational AI has become an increasingly popular tool for automotive retailers to engage with their customers. With, implementing an SMS campaign is made easy and effective. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to successfully implement a conversational AI campaign that engages both new and old customers. By following these five steps, you'll be on your way to creating a successful SMS campaign.

1. Campaign creation

The performance team creates outbound campaign text messaging ideas monthly that are intended to engage leads and customers for new interactions and revive communication. The SMS content is designed and created specifically for the target audience and their profile, ensuring that the messages effectively reach and engage them.

2. Campaign approval

After creating the message content, sends it to all dealerships with active outbound campaigns for review and approval within the 1st week of the month. The dealership's point of view is crucial in identifying angles and elements required for a successful campaign, so much so that custom messaging can be produced per dealer request. The content must also meet the customer profile that the dealership aims to target and engage with at first glance.

3. CRM list generation

Once the message content is approved, the dealership pulls the targeted audience list in CSV format from their CRM and sends it to The audience and maximum time frames for contact will vary on if customers have purchased within that time frame. If a dealership is sending campaigns to their internet, phone, and in-store leads, or anyone that has not yet made a purchase, then leads added only within the past 180 days can be marketed and notified. However, active customers that have been sold to and serviced are eligible to be contacted over a longer time frame. When the final and text-compliant lists are received, will invite these audiences to book a call or visit the dealership to trade in, service, or buy or sell vehicles – all of this with the ultimate goal of making them life-long customers.
Pro tip: offers like giveaways and service-to-sales campaigns have provided beneficial engagement for our partners in 2023 so far.

4. Campaign scheduling

After receiving the audience list, responsibly uploads and prepares the campaign launch. The performance manager at assists with scheduling and specific follow-up parameters that can be set and tracked, including the number of days until the bot responds to reactivate customer conversations for further commercial interaction.

During the launch preparation process, it’s critical to provide clarification, including specific options and instructions in case the bot can’t answer a question, and preferred options for after-hours situations and conversations. Upon upload, response testing is conducted by the team to ensure that we use the best responses based on the dealership's customers' input. Dealers can choose to launch as soon as possible or at a different time, but from start to finish, the entire process takes about seven days.

5. Campaign confirmation

Confirmation from occurs after all the necessary steps have been carefully executed. carefully reviews the campaign one last time to ensure that all details are in the right place before sending a confirmation. The confirmation email is sent by the performance team to notify dealership representatives that the campaign is now live and running. The app is a mobile extension of the platform that allows dealers to track improvements in customer contacts and appointments, whether it be through the dealership, phone, or other means of contact. makes it easy to implement AI-powered campaigns that engage both new and old customers. By following these five steps, you can create campaigns that target the right audience and encourage them to interact with your dealership. With creating personalized and successful campaigns, you can get a real chance to improve customer engagement that grows your business.

Are you ready to advance the way your dealership communicates by using conversational AI campaigns? Schedule a demo with our specialists here and see the results for yourself!


About the author

Bernabe Garza a multi-talented creative from Torreon Coahuila and has over 5 years of automotive experience and more specifically the sales departments. As a true curious researcher and passionate reader, this College Tec de Monterrey graduate focused his collegiate studies on Marketing and his Masters in administration. In his personal life, this enjoys spending time visiting the beaches of Mexico, movies, boxing and of course, reading the classics of literature.

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About the author

Bernabe Garza a multi-talented creative from Torreon Coahuila and has over 5 years of automotive experience and more specifically the sales departments. As a true curious researcher and passionate reader, this College Tec de Monterrey graduate focused his collegiate studies on Marketing and his Masters in administration. In his personal life, this enjoys spending time visiting the beaches of Mexico, movies, boxing and of course, reading the classics of literature.

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